Sunday 8 January 2012

3rd January

Oh hum, back to work.  Everywhere is full of dust.  Did no-one do their own cleaning over the Christmas break?  The vacuum is full of dust and pine needles and sparkly bits.  The dogs all look fatter and the residents are complaining of having put on weight - honestly what did they expect?  Due to being rough all through the Christmas break, I have managed to put on no weight at all, but as I'm already more than two stone overweight, it probably wouldn't matter.  I feel the need to diet again.  I used to be so proud of myself a couple of years ago when I lost three stone (and promised myself that I'd NEVER put it on again) and now I feel like some middle aged housewife with nothing to show for my life, which is wrong as I have a lovely son, a nice home and have my health - so maybe I should not be so ungrateful.  Also as I have a great husband I haven't done so bad.  Contemplate starting the diet, but when I get home the tin of chocolates is still on the table......maybe I'll start when all the Christmas goodies have been finished.

Monday 2 January 2012

2nd Jan 2012 - You didn't expect me to start this on 1st January did you?

Well it's a great start to 2012. 

I have been poorly all through Christmas although to be fair, I did manage Christmas Day, which is an improvement on last year when I was ill from Christmas Eve right through to New Year.  Well, I have to be honest and say that although I was feeling slightly 'fluffy' during Christmas Day, it wasn't until Boxing Day that I went downhill and remained rough for three whole days.  Most of which I spent in bed.  My hubby was an angel and although he was matching me for poorliness - he managed to keep the dogs walked and me supplied with hot water bottles.  Despite all the glorious food we had in the house, we managed to eat not much more than a few chocolates and to partake of some 'Whisky Macs' (purely for medicinal reasons you understand) between us.

He and I managed to rally ourselves in time for our friend Clare to come and visit for the weekend, so we did a little of 'joining in' with the New Years festivities (at our neighbours house - so not far to go - and no need to get too dressed up). 

Yes, I know what you are thinking.  You are thinking - what has this got to do with 2012?

Well, the start point is friend went back home by train yesterday and so we had today to ourselves and at last we were well enough and we had a nice bright day to get out and about.  You see, this had been our plan: I had actually taken the week off (don't usually as I'm self employed and can't afford it), and hubby had the week off so we had eleven days together - alone for once; we had no visitors expected for the yuletide.  Our plan was to work through a list of little jobs that required doing, boring things like cleaning our cars, repositioning an inner door, sorting out the loo seat, oiling the bathroom door.....and to get out and about as a couple; visiting local areas we'd not seen yet, trying some pubs out, having lunch in the local italian restaurant.  Needless to say none of this happened due to the virus.

So what's this got to do with 2012?  Well this morning, having loaded the dogs into the car, packed a flask and tarted ourselves up for a nice day out - as hubby drove his car off the drive there was a huge crunch, a scraping noise and a smell of burning......

AA have towed the car to a local garage.  It's more or less dumped on their forecourt with a note on the seat, the keys through their door, asking them to call hubby tomorrow and let him know the damage and the cost.

Luckily, very luckily, our neighbour is using his works van tomorrow so has been able to loan us a car for hubby to get to work tomorrow, or else I'd have had to give up mine....and I've already lost a week's wages for taking time off at Christmas.

My highlight of the day has been shampooing my carpet in the lounge.  Jesus, if my life gets any more boring I shall scream. 

Surely 2012 has got more to offer than this?